Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The world famous San Diego Zoo

I don't think there is any explanation needed for why we went to the San Diego Zoo.

In front of the zoo

Nick has developed this very interesting stance. Here it is while we were waiting in line to buy tickets.

With the condition my knee is in, we didn't get to do much exploring. We did 2 bus rides and rode the aero tram.

We went through the Children's Zoo

We of course had to see the Panda's

Nick then told us "nigh nigh bus ride". So we took our second bus ride and the boy fell asleep. It's a 35 min bus ride and about 10 min in he was out. We transferred him to the ergo and went back to see the koalas.

The cutest pic of my kid out cold...

Neither Eddie or myself has ever seen a koala actually awake. This isn't odd considering the sleep about 22 hours a day. We finally saw one!


Katie said...

ha! the koala STILL looks asleep! I'll take your word for it that he was awake :)

Anonymous said...

What a fun trip! I went to the San Diego zoo years ago, before getting married. We need to plan a family trip to SD some time - you have inspired me!