Where has the time gone? 2 years ago we were sitting in the hospital awaiting the arrival of our little man. My water had broke at 2:30 in the morning and after17 hours of intense labor he was born. I had a lot of ups and downs that first year and I honestly don't think I could've made it through without the love and support of my mom and my husband. Sometimes I think she was more of a mom to Nick than I was. I suffered from post partum depression and had a very rough transition into motherhood. Thank you mom! We have been very lucky and blessed that Nick was able to come to work with me for the first 9 months until I started working part-time and my mom and I started "job sharing". Nick has only had to go to daycare when the folks are on vacation and I have to work full-time. Monday also marks a new change in our lives. Nick starts "early pre-school". Technically it's just daycare for a few hours, three days a week, but we like to call it school. He will get to play with other kids his age and also start to learn the structure of a school environment. Ok...back to the sentimental crap...yes there are times where I miss our old lives pre Nick, but I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. I'm starting to forget what it was like to hold that little baby in my arms and just have him sleep on my chest. We have forgotten what late night wake-ups are like and when I get a "hi mama" at 3 am, it's a bit of a shock as to what to do. He is now so independent and talking up a storm, of course we can't understand 90% of what he says, but he sure knows what he's trying to tell us. I love asking him if he would like toast for breakfast and he either says "yeah" or "no mama". Last week I was putting his plate of dinner in front of him and he looked at me and said "thank you mama". Where has the time gone? My little boy is 2 and is growing so fast. Tonight when putting him to bed, 7 pm, Eddie reminded me that 2 years ago today we had a 6 minute old baby. I just wanted to cuddle him and rock him to sleep like I used to and I even had a few tears well up in my eyes. I can't imagine him getting any bigger or any older, but I know it's going to happen. Seeing things through his eyes is absolutely incredible and we are just so damn lucky to have this kid. Thank you to all our friends and family who have shared these past 2 years with us. We are so lucky to have you in our lives.
Now on to the pictures from today's birthday party...
Mom, where is everybody?
Mommy and Daddy self portrait
Woo hoo...I love playing with my cousins.
Did you know my boy was obsessed with trucks and tractors?
Blowing out our candle
I did it!
Mom leave me alone I want to go get the tractors off the cake.
Grandma look...
Opening presents (the tractors were the hit)
Nick was done after a few gifts and wanted to play with all the tractors, trucks and cars...Eddie finished opening the gifts.
"Papa tractor out"
Doing what he does best...
After all the guests had gone home and dinner was in our bellies, Nick wanted to play with his new shovel from Grandma & Grandpa.

Dirt in action...

What a big boy! :) It looks like it was a lot of fun and your post even left me feeling verklempt. ;)
Looks like a great time! :) Your little man is SO handsome!
Looks like fun - I'm so sorry we missed it!
With tears in my eyes I scrolled down the page, so touchy.
This two year old is turning into a little man rapidly. Congratulations to his lovely mom and dad. He could not have done it alone.
Looks like you had a great time!
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