Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Nick took his first two steps tonight. He was cruising along the coffee table and couch and decided to walk towards the TV. Unfortunately Eddie has class tonight, so he wasn't home to see it. I'll try to get pics of it soon...

Monday, January 29, 2007

Baby proofing your home

First of all for a quick update on Nick. My mom and I took him to the doctor this morning because he started throwing up again this morning. poor little baby has the stomach flu. I won't give you the way too gross details.

Now onto my blog title for the day...

Do you think this is what they had in mind when they made outlet covers?

Sunday, January 28, 2007

What I've learned about having a baby with the flu...

First of all..the flu shot doesn't always work. Nick had a flu shot in November, but I guess just like in adults, children can contract another strain as well. Nick has always been a very energetic little boy. He's usually laughing, smiling, and playing on the floor. For the past 2 days, he has done nothing more than sit on mom's lap and sleep. He hasn't been awake any longer than 2 hours and sleeps the day away. This would be nice if I could get something done during the sleeping, but unfortunately the majority of his sleeping has been done in the comfort of mom's arms.

Friday he was doing great. Was keeping his fluids down and he even ate some cereal. About 6 o'clock he was sitting on the floor and looked up at me, cried and puked all over himself. We laid him down for bed at about 7 and at about 8 heard over the monitor that he was puking again, this time in his crib. At 9 we started walking down the hall to go to bed ourselves. As we approached his door the stench of diarrhea filled the air. It was HORRIBLE! I don't think I've ever smelt anything so bad. As we changed his diaper on the floor in his room he was laying on his side throwing up yet again.

Saturday didn't get much better, I'll spare you the details...

It is now Sunday...Nick seems to be doing much better. He's already had a bottle and some cereal, and is actually playing on the floor crawling after daddy into the other room.
So...what I've learned from having a baby with the flu...this plain sucks. This is something nobody tells you about when you have a child, it is something you have to learn and experience for yourself. Sure others may sympathize for you, but you know all they're thinking to themselves is how lucky they are not the ones cleaning up the puke. I think in some respects, they are quietly laughing to themselves, knowing that they've been there done that and this is somehow their revenge.

And for a little pic from Nick about 5 minutes ago...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The life of a mother

I have to admit we have been VERY lucky with Nick getting sick. He didn't get his first cold until he was almost 9 months old. Now 4 weeks later I have a SICK baby, and I mean SICK. This morning we had a little bit of throw up, but nothing to write about. I left work this evening to go pick up Nick from my mom's house and he had just finished throwing up yet again on my dad. He didn't eat much lunch today and wouldn't take his 4 o'clock bottle. We drove home and Eddie takes him out of his car seat to come inside. As he's approaching the kitchen Nick throws up all over Eddie. I couldn't imagine what that must have felt like, pretty gross I imagine. He had throw up all over his shirt, pants, feet, was EVERYWHERE. So I call Kaiser. Give them the details and get a detailed list of what I need to do to try to avoid the emergency room tonight with a dehydrated baby. One drop of pedialyte and Nick throws up again. We clean him up and sit on the couch with him. We can't try the pedialyte for another 15 minutes. 15 minutes to the minute, he throws up again. He then laid on my chest and is now asleep in his crib. He has no fluids in him and I'm worried and scared. Thank god for Eddie, I don't know how I would've got this far without him. The fear of a mother for their child is nothing you can explain or describe, you can only experience it.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My first blog EVER!

Ok so I'm finally giving in to catching up with the times. I've enjoyed reading my friend's blogs for quite some time now, and have decided to join the crowd. This is for friends, family, and anyone who would like an update on our lives. So here we go...

I started working part-time last week and so far I couldn't be more thrilled. I now work 2.5 days a week and my mom works 2.5 days a week, while we share the Nick watching detail. I thought I would go stir crazy, and who knows I probably will soon...but so far I'm really enjoying it. I'm managing to get the house clean and cook dinner during the day, while of course spending time and playing with the baby.

Nick is almost 10 months old now and is crawling, pulling himself up, cruising along furniture, and walking (with a little help from mom and dad holding his hands). He's thoroughly fascinated currently with emptying the cupboards in the kitchen and destroying the living room. It is so fascinating to see how much he has grown and developed into his own person. He has a wonderful personality and is getting to be so much fun. We both love listening to him laugh and watching him splash in the bath.

Eddie's graduation day is quickly approaching. February 16th to be exact. I don't know who's looking forward to that more, me or him. I'm sure it's him though. He'll be very happy when it's all over...unfortunately that's when he's going to have to start finishing some of the projects around the house.

And now for the moment you've been waiting of the little man!

And for a self portrait of mommy and Nick