Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sleeping with balls...

Nicholas has an obsession with balls. Tonight when I asked him if he was ready for bed he grabbed the green ball and brought it to his bed, looked at me and said "blue ball" and went back to the living room and brought his blue ball to bed as well...maybe these balls will keep him in his bed tonight rather than joining us at midnight.

Big boy cup

Nick loves to drink out of our cups so today at Target I bought him his own "big boy cups". The first drink out spilled all down his shirt, so I taught him how to sip out of it. He does pretty good with it. When he finishes he brings it back to me and says "mama more" and then walks to the fridge to try to get it himself.

Still using our signs...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wii like to play

Eddie and I ordered a Wii right after Christmas and it finally came! It is so much fun to play...we're definitely addicted!

Nick was more interested in the box...

Of course the delivery box was also a hit with Nick...

and Sheba...

Monday, January 28, 2008


What Nicholas can accomplish in less than an hour!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just because I can...

Because my kid is that damn cute...

Snow boots

When my brother and I were little and we got new shoes we always wanted to wear them to bed (yes mom and dad I remember that), why did I assume my child would be any different? No he hasn't worn them to bed yet, but I'm sure that's coming soon. I also had an obsession with my cowgirl boots when I was growing up as well. Nick has an obsession with his snow boots. What little boy wouldn't want their feet to be nice and toasty warm?? He wants to wear them when he's in the house or when he's outside...his favorite is with his diaper...


In an attempt to take Nick up to Tahoe to see snow we ordered him a snowbib and bought him some snow boots. I ordered a 3T in the bib hoping that it would be big enough that we could use it again next winter...unfortunately it was a bit small. It made for some cute photos though...

This is what Nick does now when you ask him to smile for the camera...

We unfortunately haven't made it to the snow yet. We were going to go last weekend on Saturday, but Nick woke up Friday at 2am with a cold. We're hoping he'll be better and we can go next weekend...

Still slacking...

I'm really off to a bad start with this whole blogging thing for 2008. I swear it's not because I don't want to, it's just that not much has changed!

Our little monkey is turning into quite the little ham! He definitely has a mind of his own and let's it known when he's not getting his way!

Recently we took Nick to the San Jose Children's Discovery Museum and had a blast! We were there for over 3 hours and Nick threw a tantrum when we told him it was time to go. The water exhibit was by far his favorite. He was completely drenched by the time we left.

Friday, January 4, 2008

My little monkey

This is what I caught Nick doing to his easel.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

So I've been slacking from updating...I'm uploading pics to the computer and realized that I have 212 pictures from Christmas. How do I choose what to post?

The holidays are over and we're in 2008 now. Where did the year go? My baby is almost 2...eek!

We had 4 Christmas celebrations and all were lots of fun. Nick was much more enthusiastic about Christmas this year than last year. Once he realized he could open multiple presents it was on...before he would open one gift and then play with it for a couple of hours, by the end of the day he was a pro! We all got spoiled by Santa this year. It's a toss up between Nick's favorite present. First it was the garbage truck from Grandpa Ed, which the batteries were dead within 2 it's the fish. Uncle Danny bought Nick a fish tank for Christmas and we have 2 goldfish now. Their names are "go go go" and "Dorothy". Mommy was spoiled by Eddie Claus with a heart lock charm from Tiffany's (my first little blue box) and daddy was spoiled with lots of kisses from Nick!

Eddie is working a new shift (woo hoo!!!) He no longer works weekend graveyard shifts, he's now working swingshift during the week. He's working Mon-Thurs 1pm-10:30pm. I'm LOVING this shift. It's a lot more work for Eddie, but we love him for making the sacrifice.
Eddie also turned 30 last month. My parents got us tickets to see Kooza (AWESOME show!) in the city with babysitting service included.

New Year's Eve was spent having dinner with my folks (Eddie worked) and being in bed by 10. I'm now a fuddy duddy! Nick and I rang in the new year yesterday by going to the gym and hanging out at home all day. Of course we watched a movie!
Here's to a prosperous 2008 to you all. May the year bring you all what you have wanted...