Monday, June 30, 2008

A 10 week belly

With Nicholas:

With baby #2:

Yes I know I'm huge already....

Friday, June 20, 2008

Ninja style

Last night after I finished watching So You Think You Can Dance, I headed off to bed. Low and behold this is what I found in my bed....

Now Nick's door squeaks...I like that it squeaks because I can * usually * hear him when he opens the door and heads out of his room. Last night he must have been working ninja style.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Corn on the cob

What we had for dinner....

and because my son is a cheeseball...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I almost forgot

Nick is also convinced that he has a baby in his belly.

Painting and popsicles

This afternoon Nick and I went out front to play in the pool. First the kid was running around the front yard naked until I finally convinced him he should be wearing a diaper. I'm waiting for the cops to show up one day for indecent exposure of a 2 year old. We then started painting. I'm not sure if more paint ended up on the paper or Nick's face/body. I even caught him painting his belly. No those aren't boogers coming out of his's brown paint.

I figured since it was such a warm day outside we would have popsicles. Nick LOVED his and it was everywhere. Do you notice the blue dripping from his mouth? That's paint not a popsicle....yeah he's a messy child.

What day in the water wouldn't be complete without a toddler wedgie? If you look really closely at this picture you can see his thigh covered in paint.

Since this is a family blog...

I thought I'd give an update on me. I'm a little over 8 weeks pregnant now and this pregnancy is a lot different than the first one. This morning sickness is biting me in the ass and I've already got a growing belly. Unfortunately you don't get a picture just yet of that...

Such a good helper

We are in the process of doing our backyard. Previously it was grass/weeds and had a tree...that's it. We had the tree removed and Eddie killed the weeds. We have since put in a planter box along the side and along the back wall and have sprinklers in. All we have left is the topsoil and to lay sod. Nick LOVES to help Daddy and Tony. "Dig Daddy". He has his own shovel, hoe, and rake that my parents bought him for his birthday, and he helps dig the dirt and even puts it in the wheelbarrow.

He even has his own pair of gloves...

Can you see him working with the boys?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

We're pregnant

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Brady Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Ancestory - Family research