Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Such a good helper

We are in the process of doing our backyard. Previously it was grass/weeds and had a tree...that's it. We had the tree removed and Eddie killed the weeds. We have since put in a planter box along the side and along the back wall and have sprinklers in. All we have left is the topsoil and to lay sod. Nick LOVES to help Daddy and Tony. "Dig Daddy". He has his own shovel, hoe, and rake that my parents bought him for his birthday, and he helps dig the dirt and even puts it in the wheelbarrow.

He even has his own pair of gloves...

Can you see him working with the boys?


Dibeh said...

Energetic helper. Having had helper toddlers myself I know it takes a lot of patience from the adults to work with them. GOOD JOB