This afternoon Nick and I went out front to play in the pool. First the kid was running around the front yard naked until I finally convinced him he should be wearing a diaper. I'm waiting for the cops to show up one day for indecent exposure of a 2 year old. We then started painting. I'm not sure if more paint ended up on the paper or Nick's face/body. I even caught him painting his belly. No those aren't boogers coming out of his's brown paint.

I figured since it was such a warm day outside we would have popsicles. Nick LOVED his and it was everywhere. Do you notice the blue dripping from his mouth? That's paint not a popsicle....yeah he's a messy child.

What day in the water wouldn't be complete without a toddler wedgie? If you look really closely at this picture you can see his thigh covered in paint.

LOVE the wedgie, T and Nick could have a "who's the dirtiest" contest!!
I wonder how did you get him cleaned up without getting some paint on yourself and/or the bathtub.CUTE
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