Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Nick took his first two steps tonight. He was cruising along the coffee table and couch and decided to walk towards the TV. Unfortunately Eddie has class tonight, so he wasn't home to see it. I'll try to get pics of it soon...


angelabbf said...

YAY!!!! I can't believe he's so big and grown up now!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big he has grown...I was so happy for you and Eddie the day that our nephew was born...I remember being so excited driving to the hospital to see all of you and I waited the whole day until finally he arrived into the world....I only hope that someday our children can grow up together and be the best of cousins that is when we have one that is.......Nick is our first and only nephew and we will have and continue to cherish our godson all the days of our life as well....we love all of much!!!