Well...the little man is 10 months old today. It's so hard to believe that 10 months has gone by. He is growing so much and has become quite a handful.
We're now over the stomach flu, and we start a Kindermusik class tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about that, especially to see how he interacts with the other kids.
Nick is still waking up around 4:30 and wanting a bottle...something he hasn't done since he was 8 weeks old. This started while he was sick and hopefully will end soon. If you have any suggestions on how to get him sleeping through the night again I am definitely open to hear them.
And from our photo shoot this morning before leaving for work...

His stomach has been upset so this is an adjustment time, it surely will pass. As a baby Eddie had some middle of the night play time. The answer: I was breastfeeding and taking vitamine pills which worked as an energy boaster to him. Maybe Nicholas is still thirstier than usual or has medication that contains some energitic supplement. Keep the feeding time very quiet and serene. Give him little attention and maybe try water. Love
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