Sunday, January 28, 2007

What I've learned about having a baby with the flu...

First of all..the flu shot doesn't always work. Nick had a flu shot in November, but I guess just like in adults, children can contract another strain as well. Nick has always been a very energetic little boy. He's usually laughing, smiling, and playing on the floor. For the past 2 days, he has done nothing more than sit on mom's lap and sleep. He hasn't been awake any longer than 2 hours and sleeps the day away. This would be nice if I could get something done during the sleeping, but unfortunately the majority of his sleeping has been done in the comfort of mom's arms.

Friday he was doing great. Was keeping his fluids down and he even ate some cereal. About 6 o'clock he was sitting on the floor and looked up at me, cried and puked all over himself. We laid him down for bed at about 7 and at about 8 heard over the monitor that he was puking again, this time in his crib. At 9 we started walking down the hall to go to bed ourselves. As we approached his door the stench of diarrhea filled the air. It was HORRIBLE! I don't think I've ever smelt anything so bad. As we changed his diaper on the floor in his room he was laying on his side throwing up yet again.

Saturday didn't get much better, I'll spare you the details...

It is now Sunday...Nick seems to be doing much better. He's already had a bottle and some cereal, and is actually playing on the floor crawling after daddy into the other room.
So...what I've learned from having a baby with the flu...this plain sucks. This is something nobody tells you about when you have a child, it is something you have to learn and experience for yourself. Sure others may sympathize for you, but you know all they're thinking to themselves is how lucky they are not the ones cleaning up the puke. I think in some respects, they are quietly laughing to themselves, knowing that they've been there done that and this is somehow their revenge.

And for a little pic from Nick about 5 minutes ago...


angelabbf said...

That's got go be the worst! I feel for you!!! I really hope he's over it!

Charmaine said...

OMG...that sounds absolutely horrible! I feel for you and your husband. I hope L'il Nicky gets better soon!


Dibeh said...

Being sick is part of growing up. Each time you will learn a little bit more. But wash your hands good and beware, it is worse if you get sick. So take the time to care for him and let the house shores rest to give yourself some recup-time.