Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Mister manners
My kid really cracks me up lately. He is very good at using his manners. "thank you mama", "please mama", "bless you mama" as well as anytime he does something he knows is wrong he says "sorry mama". Well today at my mom's I was changing his poopy diaper, when I was all done he looked at me and said "thank you mama".
Posted by Amanda at 8:32 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
All aboard
We jumped on the sand/water table bandwagon. I filled up both sides with water and within 5 minutes Nick was scooping sand out of the box and bringing it to the water table and mixing it together.
Posted by Amanda at 5:21 PM 11 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Random acts of cuteness
Thank you so much April for your recommendation to bring the DVD definitely got us through the week.
Silly boy...
This was a flower in the botanical garden at Balboa looks like a flamingo.
Posted by Amanda at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Balboa Park
Our last full day we went to Balboa Park. We first went to the history museum because they had an exhibit on Pompeii. I have always been very interested in this and I told Eddie it was a lot cheaper than flying to Italy. No pics allowed there... sorry. It was AMAZING though! We walked over to the science museum next where our friend Josh and his girlfriend met us. This place was a lot like the Exploratorium, but a lot of fun nonetheless!
Making noise with the air hose
Emptying his shopping cart on the conveyor belt.
Playing with the big boys...
Just being Nick
Posted by Amanda at 3:49 PM 0 comments
The world famous San Diego Zoo
I don't think there is any explanation needed for why we went to the San Diego Zoo.
In front of the zoo
Nick has developed this very interesting stance. Here it is while we were waiting in line to buy tickets.
With the condition my knee is in, we didn't get to do much exploring. We did 2 bus rides and rode the aero tram.
We went through the Children's Zoo
We of course had to see the Panda's
Nick then told us "nigh nigh bus ride". So we took our second bus ride and the boy fell asleep. It's a 35 min bus ride and about 10 min in he was out. We transferred him to the ergo and went back to see the koalas.
The cutest pic of my kid out cold...
Neither Eddie or myself has ever seen a koala actually awake. This isn't odd considering the sleep about 22 hours a day. We finally saw one!
Posted by Amanda at 3:48 PM 2 comments
The Magic Kingdom
I'm a Disneyland nut. I would go there for every vacation if Eddie would let me. This vacation originally started with me wanting to go to Disneyland for a whole week, but we decided on San Diego instead. We were having dinner with our friend Josh and his girlfriend and she happened to mention that Disneyland was only about an hour and fifteen minutes away vs. the 2 hours that Eddie originally told me. We woke up the next morning and decided that we were going to Disneyland...
The last time we went to Disneyland, Nick was 8 months old...boy how things have changed. He had a blast...this is to be expecting considering how much his mom and grandma like it!
My boys in front of the main entrance...
Nick kept saying "choo choo" and pointing to the train so we decided that we would take the train around the park first.
The boys waiting in line...
Once we got on the train Nick had a change of heart. He kept saying "no choo choo, no choo choo"...we were off at the next stop.
Next we went on Pirates of the Caribbean (a personal favorite) and Nick wasn't too sure about that ride. He did cry and we figure that he was just a bit scared of the dark and not knowing what the heck was going on. We decided that we all needed a little lunch to try to put us in a better mood, me especially! Nick wanted to feed the ducks so we sat down low and let him feed the ducks some bread. (Isn't that what everyone does at Disneyland?)
Next we went on the Winnie the Pooh ride...Nick changed his mind about rides...
As we got off the ride Nick spotted Tigger and starting jumping. Yes my son knows who the characters are....we asked him if he wanted to wait in line to see Tigger and he said "yeah". We waited and we saw...
Eeyore... Isn't my kid adorable?
and Tigger...
Next we decided to venture over to Tom Sawyer's island.
Daddy took him through the "wrong way"...and we wonder where he gets his defiance from?
Doesn't everyone want to ride in a wheel barrow?
We decided to head to Toon Town next. We immediately spotted more characters.
Goofy and Minnie Mouse were out at the same time...Nick chose...
We brought Nick into the little house to play
and we waiting in line to see Mickey Mouse.
We decided to head to Fantasyland after and go on some little kid rides. Nick immediately spotted the "horsies" and wanted to go for a "horsey ride". We've taken Nick on carousel's before, but this was the first time he actually enjoyed it and didn't cry.
Nick do you want to drive a car? "yeah, Nick drive car"
Self portrait with mommy
Let me tell you...there's just something about letting a 2 year old drive the car and being beaten back and forth along the track.
Mommy wanted some ice cream next, but it was quickly stolen.
We next went on Buzz Lightyear's astroblast and we all had so much fun! This was my first time on this ride and I have no clue why I waited so long! After we got off Nick kept saying "more Buzz, more Buzz". Who can deny a 2 year old's wish....we went on it again.
Before we left the magic kingdom, we did as everyone should always do. We tried to pull the sword out of the stone!
Posted by Amanda at 3:15 PM 6 comments
Sea World
Our first full day in San Diego we went to Sea World. Honestly I was not too impressed. It reminded me a lot of Marine World, but it did have better shows...Nick LOVED the otters. We watched the Shamu and Sea Lion/Otter show. The Shamu show was amazing and made me LOVE my camera even more than I ever thought I could. (is that possible?) We walked through the aquarium there and also got to touch the bat rays.

Posted by Amanda at 2:33 PM 2 comments