Eddie and I have been having one heck of a time going out in public with Nick lately. He doesn't want to go in his stroller, he'd rather be held or play on the ground in whatever store we are in. He doesn't want to sit in high chairs anymore while out at restaurants, he'd rather stand up and throw his food. When you have a baby you realize that you pay attention to other babies a lot more than you used to. You also tend to ask people how old their little ones are. What we've noticed...you never really see anyone out and about shopping in the mall or out at dinner with a 10-14 month old child. Sure they're out there...but not as prominent as the 6 month olds or 2 year olds. Our conclusion...children this age are just like Nick. Sometimes they are the most well behaved happy little kids, other times they just cry when they don't get their way or you tell them no. In some ways it's very comforting to know that my child is not the demon child, but normal. In other ways it's horrible to know that we have entered the age of temper tantrums. Some nights we're counting down until 6:45 when it's bedtime.
He does like to play with his dada though.

We've also learned that Nick can't be trusted with just a diaper on anymore.

He has become quite the helper though with dishes...

Nick's favorite place to hide and play is the fridge

I can only imagine what Emily will be like at that age... probably the same as Nick. :-) He's too cute in the pic where he took off his diaper. hahaha
CUTE pictures!!!! Can I have some Nick for Lunch?
Sooo cute...the little monster!
He is a cool inquisitive kid: crawling in the fridge.
Kenny used to open the oven and stand on it to reach the buttons of the stove.
Eddie used to get in trouble reaching for the piano keys.
Spent a heck of a lot of time at the park keeping them out of trouble. Have fun....
I love all your updates!!! So cute!!! :)
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