Saturday, March 31, 2007

Nick's 1st Birthday Party

Well as some of you may or may not know, today was Nick's first birthday party. His actual birthday isn't until Thursday, but we chose to have the party this weekend since next weekend is Easter. He's been a little cranky the past couple of days. He's teething with a combination of allergies and a little cold. Needless to say he isn't his normal "fun" self. The party was a lot of fun even though Nick wasn't. We ate pizza and the older kids had a pinata to break. Eddie is working 12 hour night shifts right now, but with all the noise going on there was no way he could sleep during the festivities. Nick didn't make it through cake, he went to sleep just as cake was being served. That means no pictures of the little guy eating his cake. We're going to do cake again Thursday for some fun pics.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday little guy.
Hope to see a picture of you when you and your dada are eating cake.
Hugs and kisses

Teri said...

Hard to believe it's been a year already, isn't it?