Last night I started mission no more binky. I was going to wait until after the baby was born, but I'm just done. I can't take the constant whining because he wants it. I told him that the binky fairy called mommy and told her she ran out of binkys and needed more, so mommy sent them to her for all the babies. At bedtime he cried for about 5 min telling me he needed something in his mouth and I told him I would lay with him til he fell asleep, he asked if we couldd rock, so I rocked him til he fell asleep. He woke up when I put him in bed and asked me to lay with him. I told him I would stay til he fell asleep sitting next to him. He was asleep by 8:15. Fast forward to 10:30 when I woke up to loud noises in his room. He had moved his chair and climbed up to find a binky on top of his dresser. When he couldn't find one he came to our bed. He screamed for about an hour asking for his binky over and over again. I finally calmed him down and got him back in his own bed. I read him some books and he fell asleep again. He didn't wake up til 6:15 this morning. When he came to wake us up we told him the binky fairy had visited and brought him a present (thank you April & Erica for the idea). He ran into the living room to see what he got.

The binky fairy had brought him a big rig truck ...he LOVED it.
Neat idea to break the habit. Nicholas you are getting to be a BIG boy.
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