Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas has come and gone

Christmas was absolutely amazing this year. Nick was so excited, which made us excited as well. We actually had to lock all the presents up in Kaitlyn's room because the sneaky little devil started unwrapping them. A couple days before Christmas I let him bring out all the presents because he promised he wouldn't open them. Instead...he lined them all up.

That was short lived...the unwrapping was starting to happen again, so out the presents went.

Nick was VERY spoiled this year as he had 3 Christmas'. We celebrated Christmas with my mom's side on the 20th, my dad's side of the family on Christmas Eve and our immediate family we did the day after Christmas (Eddie worked on Christmas). The week before Christmas, Nick would ask every morning when he woke up if Santa had come yet. It was really very sweet...

Thursday night we got home from dinner at my mom's house and we put cookies and milk out for Santa. Nick of course had to take a sip of the milk and a bite of the cookie (I'm sure it was for quality control). After he fell asleep, I started putting his kitchen together from Santa. Partway through, Eddie got home from work and helped as well. Two and a half hours later it was finally done. We brought the presents out and got his stocking ready.

When Nick woke up Friday morning we told him to go check and see if Santa had come. He ran into the living room and stood in front of the kitchen with his mouth wide open and his hands in front. He was so excited.

He also figured out this year that you get stuff in your stocking!

He was a little disheartened though when he realized that Santa ate his cookie (he left out 2)

Then the fun began...

My favorite gift we got Nick was a camera. He always tries to steal mine so we got him his own.
Nick showing Sheba his camera...

Cooking us hot dogs for breakfast...

After we had our tiny Christmas my mom, dad, brother and his girlfriend came over to celebrate as well.

Now that Christmas is over and the tree is down, Nick is continuing to ask when Santa is going to come again.


Dibeh said...

I am reliving it with you. Beautiful tree, thanks