Do you see that ticker to your left? 25 days??? According to my main Kaiser doctor I'm due on the 25th, according to the ultrasound techs (3), I'm due on the 20th. HOLY CRAP!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Rock Band 2
For Christmas this year Eddie wanted Rock Band 2. It was released the friday before Christmas and my mom had pre-ordered it for him from Best Buy beforehand. Unfortunately it didn't ship until the Monday before Christmas so it wasn't here in time. It was delivered yesterday and I set it up for Eddie to play when he got home from work last night.
A little background...
Every time we go to Best Buy we spend a good 20 min with Nick playing this game. He loves the guitar and the drums. Eddie figured it would be a good family gift. What do you think...
p.s. this was at 7 o'clock this morning...
Posted by Amanda at 3:57 PM 1 comments
Christmas has come and gone
Christmas was absolutely amazing this year. Nick was so excited, which made us excited as well. We actually had to lock all the presents up in Kaitlyn's room because the sneaky little devil started unwrapping them. A couple days before Christmas I let him bring out all the presents because he promised he wouldn't open them. Instead...he lined them all up.
That was short lived...the unwrapping was starting to happen again, so out the presents went.
Nick was VERY spoiled this year as he had 3 Christmas'. We celebrated Christmas with my mom's side on the 20th, my dad's side of the family on Christmas Eve and our immediate family we did the day after Christmas (Eddie worked on Christmas). The week before Christmas, Nick would ask every morning when he woke up if Santa had come yet. It was really very sweet...
Thursday night we got home from dinner at my mom's house and we put cookies and milk out for Santa. Nick of course had to take a sip of the milk and a bite of the cookie (I'm sure it was for quality control). After he fell asleep, I started putting his kitchen together from Santa. Partway through, Eddie got home from work and helped as well. Two and a half hours later it was finally done. We brought the presents out and got his stocking ready.
When Nick woke up Friday morning we told him to go check and see if Santa had come. He ran into the living room and stood in front of the kitchen with his mouth wide open and his hands in front. He was so excited.
He also figured out this year that you get stuff in your stocking!
He was a little disheartened though when he realized that Santa ate his cookie (he left out 2)
Posted by Amanda at 3:07 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Nick was in his first holiday pageant last Saturday. His class danced to "Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer". He has been singing and dancing the song for weeks. He's a Christmas nut just like his mom and grandma. He walks around the house singing Jingle Bells, Jingle bell rock, Rudolf, Frosty, and many more...
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Posted by Amanda at 11:25 AM 4 comments
Mission no more binky

Posted by Amanda at 10:52 AM 1 comments
6 more weeks to go
I'm miserable, uncomfortable and just plain done being pregnant. With all tha said, here are some pics for your viewing pleasure.
Posted by Amanda at 10:45 AM 2 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Christmastime is here
Nick is EXCITED about Christmas. He absolutely LOVES the lights, the trees, and everything that goes with it. We don't buy our tree til after Eddie's birthday (tomorrow) or decorate til then either, but today he did pull the boxes down so we could start the inside. Nick is very excited to play with the singing snowmen from Hallmark (we have got one from the beginning) and he LOVES opening the boxes to see what's coming out next. Decorating the tree tomorrow should be quite interesting. He really wants to hang the outside lights up (he did it last weekend with Grandpa and Grandma) and keeps telling me "I go do by myself". He found the Santa cookie plates today and wanted to make cookies for Santa. After his nap we made 4 dozen snickerdoodles. Nick put a couple on the plate and started looking around the house for Santa. Christmas through a child's eyes is amazing!
Posted by Amanda at 7:12 PM 2 comments
Where has the time gone
I'm officially due NEXT month! Holy cow, how did that happen? It seems like yesterday I found out that I was pregnant again and it just seems to have flown by. Of course it's not all butterflies and roses. I am MISERABLE! I have offically become the owner of a pregnancy support belt and I start physical therapy next week for my "pressure" and my difficulty with walking. Nick just doesn't understand why mommy can't play and why my belly hurts so much. I tell him that mommy needs to lay down because her belly hurts and he responds with "my belly hurt too". He also wants to know when baby Kaitlyn is going to come out and play with him. We were buying pacifier's the other day at Target and he wouldn't let us get the same kind he has because those are his. I am absolutely terrified about managing two, but I cannot wait to hold this little girl in my arms!
Posted by Amanda at 7:08 PM 2 comments