Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Easter a little late

Easter has come and gone along with the Easter Bunny. All is well in the Brady household. Nick is feeling much better and back to his old giggly self. He's walking and running up a storm and can now blow kisses (thank you grandma) and LOVES to dance. Thanks to a couple of good friends we've also been working on sign language with Nick since January. I'm now happy to report that Nick has FINALLY started signing. He now does "more", "eat", and "milk". It's so nice to know what he wants by him signing it to us. He walks around the living room signing "milk" to me at naptime. Is my kid smart or what...hehe.


Dibeh said...

Compare this with his first easter picture that I have on file with his cute bunny head. Unbelievable what a personality he has developed.