As I mentioned previously Nick has started using sign language. I was finally able to catch it on film tonight at dinner.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Mama may I have some "more" please
Posted by Amanda at 7:20 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Words can't describe what you're about to see
Let me preface by saying this next pic is from the museum where we were getting "cultured" (is that a word). None of us quite know how we got anything more than a few chuckles out of this pic. Nick sure seemed to like it though. Hmmmmm I think I'm going to have my hands full in a few short years.
Posted by Amanda at 8:20 PM 3 comments
Nick & Faith
Eddie, Nick & I went with our friend's Katie and Faith to the Oakland museum. I like to claim Faith as my future daughter-in-law even though she has many suitors...none quite as cute as my little man though! You have to admit that Faith Brady sounds wonderful. Nick enjoyed looking at the art and running around the museum. We did get in trouble once when Nick pushed his stroller into a wall. I also noticed a man following us from room to room. It was as if he was checking up on us. At lunch Nick was trying to feed Faith his honeydew along with trying to touch her with his slimy fruit hands. Thank goodness Katie brought her camera!
Posted by Amanda at 8:06 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Easter a little late
Posted by Amanda at 8:05 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 6, 2007
Thursday, April 5, 2007
My baby is now a toddler
There is some discrempancy about when a baby becomes a toddler. Some believe it's when they turn a year old, while others believe it's when they start to "toddle". I like to believe that it's when they turn a year old, otherwise I would have had a toddler at 10 months old. On that note...I'm proud to announce that my baby is officially a toddler today!
My baby is 1. Where has the year gone? It seems to have flown by and come and gone too fast. One year ago today I was in the hospital. It just doesn't seem possible. I look at Nick now and just can't believe how much he's grown and what a little man he is. He has developed his own personality and is just as stubborn as his mom and his dad...not sure if that's a good thing yet. He's a little ham and loves to flirt and be the center of attention. His smile and his giggle can light up your world in a matter of seconds. Even when he's running through the house naked giggling he seems to make you smile. My little guy was 8 pounds 1/2 ounce and 20 inches long when he was born. Now he weighs a little over 22 pounds and he's about 30 inches long.
Our lives have changed so much with the addition of Nick to the family. He's changed Eddie and I in ways that you can only understand if you're a parent yourself. We no longer live for ourselves, but we live for eachother and Nick. I get sad when I think that a year has gone by already. I think about the years to come and how much we have to look forward to with sports and going to the park...and then I think about when Nick may some day be writing a blog (or whatever technology they have then) about his own child turning a year old. Honestly...that just makes me feel old!
Happy birthday boo...we love you! Then
Posted by Amanda at 6:51 AM 4 comments