Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Kaitlyn Paige's room
Posted by Amanda at 10:17 AM 3 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
More pumpkin patchin

Posted by Amanda at 2:39 PM 2 comments
Bringing out the toys

Posted by Amanda at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Bishop's Farm
After we went to the Train Museum we decided to head out to Wheatland to go to Bishop's Farm. Nick was a bit grumpy from a short nap, but he had a lot of fun. First we fed, brushed, and pet the goats.
We jumped in some hay with a trampoline underneath
We played in a wood train and on the playground for quite a while. When it was time to go Nick decided he wanted to ride the choo choo. This is HUGE for him. While he LOVES choo choo's, he doesn't like riding them. Anyone who's ever been to the zoo with us can definitely atest to that. This is the first choo choo ride he's been on that he didn't cry!
Of course the highlight of the trip was playing with the toy backhoe's.
On our way out we stopped to get a pumpkin while Nick drove the pumpkin train.
Posted by Amanda at 2:24 PM 2 comments
Old Sacramento Train Museum
After a day of painting on Monday we decided to have some fun! We headed out to Sacramento and took Nick to the train museum!
Posted by Amanda at 2:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Painting Paige's room
Eddie has this week off of work and we are tackling Paige's room.
Step 1: Paint light pink
Step 1.5: Me: Honey you're right, it's too much pink...can we paint a brown stripe?
Eddie: Sure, would you like to add hot pink to it too?
Me: That sounds awesome!
Step 2: Tape a 12" stripe around the room
Step 3: Paint hot pink in the middle
Step 4: Tape off the middle for the brown stripes
Step 5: Paint the brown
Step 6: The beautiful room that I am absolutely in love with. Pictures truly do not do it justice! Isn't my husband amazing?
Our furniture is hopefully being delivered on Wednesday.
And....a sneak peek at the bedding. I returned the other two and bought this one. It's the one I originally wanted, but didn't want to spend the money, but I'm glad I did! It's absolutely GORGEOUS and I LOVE it!!!
Posted by Amanda at 6:38 PM 8 comments
Fun with bubbles
Nicholas and I had a fun filled afternoon one day. We painted, made snakes with play-doh, and of course we played with bubbles. Nick has discovered that he can finally blow the bubbles himself.
His vocabulary has also increased dramatically. He uses full sentences and you can now understand about 90% of what he is saying. While we were playing with bubbles he looked at me and said "Hold on mommy I need to go get something." He comes back with my camera and as I was holding up the camera he was pressing the button to take the picture. Low and behold we have Nick's first self portrait.
Isn't my kid cute...
Posted by Amanda at 6:31 PM 3 comments
Blog block
Sorry it's been so long...I've had major blog block!
Posted by Amanda at 6:31 PM 0 comments