Thursday, May 10, 2007

Happy Mother's Day to me

I've had my eye on a Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag for a few months now. I want a cute stylish diaper bag that is big enough to include all the contents of my purse as well as all the stuff I have to haul around for Nick. I've been trying to convince Eddie that this is the diaper bag for me and he has kept telling me no. Finally he said that I could go look at one in person and see if it was big enough. Well...a few weekends ago we went to the Asparagus Festival and what do I see hanging off a stroller...a Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag pack. I point it out to Eddie and he decided that it was big enough and I could have it for Mother's Day. I ordered it that night from a website and about 5 days later got an email stating that they were sold out and the pattern I wanted had been discontinued. I immediately starting searching the web for another site. I ordered from another company but never received a confirmation email. I called them yesterday inquiring about my order and the gentleman who answered stated "it's already shipped". Woo Hoo...I was officially excited! I was trying not to get my hopes up just in case they were out as well. Today I went to lunch with my mom and dad and when I got home sitting on my front porch was my new diaper bag. I'm in LOVE!! This bag is gorgeous!! I told Eddie we have to go somewhere this afternoon just so I can use it!

Thank you honey!


angelabbf said...

VERY cute!!! I'm so happy you finally got a good bag! :)

Anonymous said...

Would like to see a picture with you holding the bag because I have no idea how big it is but it looks like it has more class than the kind of bags we could find years ago.