Posted by Amanda at 9:14 PM 3 comments
Nick hasn't wanted to use a sippy cup since he Grandma taught him how to drink out of a real straw. So for the past couple of months Nick has used a "straw sippy". I've been reading about how to transition off a bottle and read that I should start putting his formula in a sippy cup. While at Target on Saturday we were looking for a new "straw sippy" to use for his formula. I am now happy to report that Nick has not used a bottle since Saturday night at Grandma's house. WOO HOO!!! Keep your fingers crossed that we continue with this.
In other news Eddie graduated on Friday morning. It was a very emotional ceremony for me. It didn't really hit me until they started walking up the aisle in their class A uniforms. Nick did very well throughout the ceremony and was even so inclined to do a rasberry during the key not speaker's speech. OOPS!! That evening was the graduation party and Nick stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's house overnite for the first time. He did very well and slept all night for Grandma. Mom and Dad had a much needed night out and slept in til 9 am the following morning.
Posted by Amanda at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Nick has been taking baths in his bath ring since he was about 6 months old. Lately he's been pulling himself up and trying to climb out of the ring to play in the tub. So...we have since given him free roam of the tub. Unfortunately this does mean that he likes to play with anything he can get his hands on. It is pretty funny watching him crawl from side to side though and get covered in suds.
Posted by Amanda at 2:45 PM 1 comments
Well...the little man is 10 months old today. It's so hard to believe that 10 months has gone by. He is growing so much and has become quite a handful.
We're now over the stomach flu, and we start a Kindermusik class tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about that, especially to see how he interacts with the other kids.
Nick is still waking up around 4:30 and wanting a bottle...something he hasn't done since he was 8 weeks old. This started while he was sick and hopefully will end soon. If you have any suggestions on how to get him sleeping through the night again I am definitely open to hear them.
And from our photo shoot this morning before leaving for work...
Posted by Amanda at 7:18 AM 1 comments