So I haven't blogged in quite some time. No real reason other than we've had a lot going on and I just haven't felt like it. A lot has happened in the past couple of months. For those that don't know we have moved. We are now living in Brentwood and are absolutely LOVING it! My poor husband has a longer commute, but as for me I'm 5 min from just about everywhere I go. Work, my moms, Nick's school, grocery store, and Target. No more 25 min drives for me!
Nick is now 3 years old and is growing just so fast. He is now potty trained and it pretty much happened over night. He came to us one night (5 days before our Disneyland trip) and said he wanted to go pee and poo on the potty and that was it. We've of course had our accidents along the way, but those are to be expected. He is a FABULOUS big brother. He is getting a lot better with his jealousy issues, but has his bad days as always. Our worst time is when Kaitlyn is crying or is having her bottle. He has also taken to his baby doll. It is his "baby Katie". It is absolutely amazing to watch him with his baby. We were at JCPenney's the other day with my mom and he brought his baby and had her in a cart and was pushing her through the store. If I ever doubted my mothering skills all I have to do is watch Nick. He rubs his baby's forehead and tells her that it's ok daddy is here. At JCPenney's I caught him rocking his cart back and forth trying to put his baby to sleep. He has become such a little man...
The funniest was the day I overheard him telling Kaitlyn "probably time for you to go back in mommy's belly soon"
As for Kaitlyn...what can I say. The girl is 4 months now and we have started her on baby food. So far she is digging her sweet potatoes, green beans, squash, applesauce and bananas. She's not too sure yet about pears. Motherhood the second time around is so different. It is definitely hard and not what I expected. I LOVE my kids though and think they are definitely my greatest accomplishment.
I am on a new computer and don't have any pictures here yet, so I will try to add some pics soon.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Long time no blog
Posted by Amanda at 9:06 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Update of stuff and some pics

Posted by Amanda at 6:59 PM 1 comments
It's A Miracle..(Fish Update)..Amanda is not happy.
So I didn't take the fish to the vet. I didn't tell Nick his fish was sick. I did change the water put some stuff we had from the pet store in the water and yep all better. If the fish died Amanda was going to finally buy some new fish, not goldfish, and get a frog. She was diappointed it got better. So here's a healthy picture.
Posted by Amanda at 4:58 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
Nick has a sick Goldfish
About a year ago Nick's Uncle Danny got him a fish tank. He has had only 1 death and it was of natural causes. For $1.99 each you get what you pay for. Really Nick does not do a thing with the tank except once in a while he'll feed them and help Eddie change the water. The Fish (they don't have names, Nick calls them "the fish") have really been Sheba's, the cat. She watches them for hours. Fast forward to tonight. I noticed that one of the fish has what I called a pimple. We called uncle Danny and he told us our fish has an Ulcer.
Treatment: shots of antibiotics from a vet.
How do you explain to a 2 year old the fact that one of his fish is sick and you can't make it better and it needs to go away?
Posted by Amanda at 8:19 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Playing catch up
Things are going well. Eddie is taking 4 weeks off and it has been a godsend. Of course both boys in my life are currently driving me nuts! We have gone to the zoo and the Exploratorium so far. Our motto...have baby and bottle will travel. School has been miserable for Nick. He has screamed every morning since I stopped working. Dropping him off is a nightmare and Eddie and I both dread it. He is still a very good big brother, but has realized that he has to wait around a lot for her. He is definitely enjoying having daddy around and makes Eddie carry him virtually everywhere we go.
Kaitlyn is a very good baby. We had a bout with extreme fussiness and gas, but changed her formula and things have gotten better so far. She usually takes her last bottle at night around 10 and then is up anywhere between 1 and 2 and then again around 4 and then 6. Nick is unfortunately awake around 6 for the day, so mommy and daddy are exhausted! I had also forgotten about traveling with a newborn. You have to time when you're in the car around the feedings. Now if we could get her to consistently take a certain amount of formula that would make our lives a lot easier. She eats right now anywhere between 1/2 ounce to 4 ounces at a time.
How I'm going to handle these two on my own when Eddie goes back to work, I have no clue...
Posted by Amanda at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Kaitlyn's birth story
I started having contractions at about 7 o’clock as I was putting Nick to bed. I had downloaded a labor mate application on my phone so I would push the start and stop button for each contraction and it would time them for me. After an hour of intense contractions between 1 min and 3 min apart (and had back labor once again), I called Eddie to come home from work, and my mom to come over to stay with Nick. We were at the hospital by 9 and I was dilated to 3 cm (same as I was that morning at my doctor’s appt). The midwife wanted me to go walk the halls for 2 hours and if I did not have any progress, they were going to send me home. After 20 min I was done walking and in too much pain to continue. They checked me again and I was at 5 cm. I was being admitted…They finally got me in the room about an hour labor (10:30) and ordered the epidural. Around 11 they checked me again and I was at an 8, but they started the epidural anyways. My blood pressure dropped severely and I got nauseous. They tried to increase my blood pressure and finally got me back to normal around 11:30. At this point, the midwife was breaking my water and felt Kaitlyn’s mouth. She tried to turn her herself since she was face up and my blood pressure dropped again and I started to vomit. At about 11:45 they had me on my side hoping that would turn the baby. I was still having and feeling all the contractions, except my back did not hurt anymore. The midwife was coming back to check me in an hour, but they brought her back sooner because I was having so much pressure with each contraction. At 12:45, I was at 10 cm and started pushing. Kaitlyn was born at 1:06 am. She had turned herself in the correct position and was perfect. When they put her on my chest, the first thing out of my mouth was “she looks just like her brother”. I wish I didn't have the epidural. It definitely was not worth the back pain I have now, for such little relief.
Postpartum has been much better and different this time around. With Nick, I suffered from PPD and did not want anything to do with him after he was born. With Kaitlyn, I am completely and utterly in love. I want to hold her constantly and do not want her out of my sight.
I was going to attempt breastfeeding this time around as well and after a 45 min screaming fit the first night in the hospital, we had to supplement her. The next morning I tried to breastfeed and had nothing coming out at all. Needless to say, Kaitlyn is a formula baby just like her brother. It is probably a good thing though, as this little girl can easily suck down 4 ounces at a time already.
Nick is a VERY good big brother. He loves his little sister and wants to hold her all the time. He was actually up with us the first night we were home at every feeding wanting to help. He kneels down next to her and says, “Its ok baby girl, I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere. I love you”. SO CUTE!!! Of course, he is jealous and is acting out. Between the whining, yelling, and being a normal almost 3 year old…we are going NUTS!
Posted by Amanda at 4:14 PM 1 comments