Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Seriously too cute

Sunday Nick was sitting on my lap after he woke up from his nap and said "mommy my want to see baby now". He then proceeded to lift up my shirt and rub my belly.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Belly time again

I am now officially 18 weeks pregnant. Next Tuesday is our BIG ultrasound at 4:15. Hopefully little peanut will cooperate so we can find out if I'm baking a girl or a boy in there. Eddie's mom is coming to visit from Beligium (hasn't been here since the wedding) and will be a part of the ultrasound experience.

Is it just me or does my belly look different sizes in these?

Self portrait

"Mommy take picture with you"

Family fun time

At school every Friday the kids get sent home with "family fun time". This is a creative way to say "homework". They get stars when they turn them back in and then at the end of the year you get them all back so you can see how much your child has progressed. This week we got to make a family tree. We had to write names in leaves and cut them out and paste them to the tree and then do as we pleased with the tree. Nick colored and painted the tree!

Do you see the look of determination on Eddie's face?

The train table

I finally scored a train table off of craig's list that we drove to Petaluma to pick up. We had to order a train and track so he couldn't play with it right away and was rather upset. The day the track came in the mail he sat and played from 3-7 only breaking because I made him eat dinner (mean mommy I know). He woke up the next morning at 6 am wanting to play trains...he's OBSESSED! Nick has his own train, mommy has her own train, and daddy has his own train.

Oldies but goodies

We're having new computers installed at work on Wednesday and while cleaning up my desktop today I came across a few pics.

Nick at 2 weeks...

Nick at 2 months...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

3 years ago today...

I married the LOVE of my life. It hardly seems that it was 3 years ago. I still remember the day and how absolutely beautiful everything was. Heck, I still remember the first time I saw Eddie and how HOT I thought he was (he still is by the way!) I can tell you what we were both wearing and I can even tell you what website he was looking at (ratemymullet.com). Even though we didn't start dating til 4 months later, I still thought about him. Now here we are 5 years later. We've been married for 3 years, we have Nick who will be 2.5 in October and we have baby #2 on the way. I love my husband more than ever and cannot imagine him not being a part of my life. Here's to eternity honey!

The only pics that I could find were the ones that Angela took for me! Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


My folks are in Pebble Beach currently so I'm working full-time and Nick is going to one of my customer's who does daycare. She sent me this picture today...

You wouldn't know that he screams his head off when he gets dropped off at Sandy's house or at school from this pic would you?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Dual binkies

Do they each serve a different purpose?

My boys

New bike

Well it's about that time. We bought Nick a bike. He LOVES it! He still doesn't use the pedals unless you're pushing him, but he does know that they're there. I think he just likes to get places faster and has discovered that if he drives "Fred Flintstone" style then he get there lightning quick. We now ride our bike to the park and even bring it to grandma's house.

Daddy taught Nick how to pop wheelies...

"bye bye mommy"

Can you believe he wants me to get rid of this stuff?

We started cleaning out the spare bedroom so that Eddie's mom has a place to sleep while she's here and also so we can start getting the room ready for baby #2. I have a couple of boxes from before we were married that we opened to start going through. I have t-shirts from high school from softball tournaments, tennis matches, even one from college. I have a very old New Kids on the Block sleeping bag, my cap and tassle from high school graduation and a few other odds and ends. Can you believe the husband wants me to get rid of this crap! I then of course found my veil and petticoat and had to try them on again.
Can you find Nick?

We got a table!

We went to Petaluma today and picked up a white one like the bottom picture for $50!!! Now we just need the train set to go with it. Eddie's mom is hopefully bringing one out from when he was a kid when she comes to visit in September....

Friday, August 15, 2008

Why do they have to be so expensive?

My current want for Nick

Hint hint hint...it's a train table by the way.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Car wash

Nick has started "imaginative" play. He has this tent that he now calls his car wash. We go into the bonus room and I shake it while he's in it and then we both crawl through it. Today we had it in the front yard while the Comcast guy was here and Nick discovered that it can roll over.

After dinner tonight he told me "play car wash momma"...


Face pressed against the mesh...

The finale!


Nick climbs the cat tower and starts meowing. He then tells us that he's a kitty.

Giraffe boy